The Russian Orthodox Church, Nativity of Christ Cathedral. Like most of the smaller churches we had seen through the country, these churches are used every day. The old town contained the Guild Halls, the House of the Blackheads (Hanseatic merchants). Also the Museum of the Occupation - an excellent museum recounting the devastation of the wars and the Soviet occupation. Unlike countries like Poland (which while dominated by communists and under the constant glare Russian influence were never actually part of the Soviet Union), the Baltic States were handed over to the Soviets and were part of the Soviet Union. This meant mass deportations of whole sections of the population and eventual extermination of most of them as a result of the unsurvivable conditions they were exposed to. Counties like Latvia may have lost up to a third of their population - certainly almost all of their politicians, army, and any educated part of the community. No parties involved in the carving up of Europe post WW2 have any right to cheer over decisions they made. Riga still has many buildings illustrating the Art Nouveau style. Some are still apartment buildings and many are used as embassies so have money available to have them look their best. Finished the day with a 2 hour visit to the Police Station after both our bikes were stolen. Long walk back to the camp site! Last view.
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September 2014