Still rainy and cold - about 5C in the mornings. Once again found the carpark close to the city centre - no services just a gated carpark - but only 10 mins walk to all the sights. Come to Cordoba mostly to see the Mezquita (old Mosque). Started in 785AD and recycling stone from old Roman villas. When first built it held 5000, then enlarged to hold about 10000 and finally 40000. At that point it consisted on 1293 colums, 280 chandeliers and 1445 lamps. When the Moorish period ended it was taken over and consecrated as a Catholic church - much gold and marble splendour added into the 16th century.
Cordoba town was much more like the "Spanish" style we were expecting.
Visited the small Sinagogue. Only three left in Spain and we have been to two. As usual hidden away in a back street. Very small. The ornate plaster work was done by Muslim workers. Again after expulsion of the Jews from Spain the building was used as a Catholic chapel.