Having looked for several days over preceding months to find some-one to certify the truck, we finally found some-one who was 3 blocks from home! Organised a "day plate" to enable the unregistered truck to be driven down to Redcliffe to have it measured etc and then registered. It turned out that another "blue plate": had to be obtained to cover the modification to the cabin - big hole cut in it. I don't know why this wasn't provided by ATW who did this alteration and the chnage in seating. Their "blue plate" only covered the seating. Fortunately, this was all achieved and registration completed.
Then it rained all afternoon and we found that the roof was leaking. After this became obvious that this was not condensation, we rang John and took the truck back. It turned out that part of the sealing between roof panel and the extrusion had not been done sufficiently. Unfortunately, the ceiling lining had to be removed and replaced and oin the process the kitchen bench was damaged. This required painting and re-laminating of the bench top.
Then it rained all afternoon and we found that the roof was leaking. After this became obvious that this was not condensation, we rang John and took the truck back. It turned out that part of the sealing between roof panel and the extrusion had not been done sufficiently. Unfortunately, the ceiling lining had to be removed and replaced and oin the process the kitchen bench was damaged. This required painting and re-laminating of the bench top.